Thursday, October 8, 2009

Glee – Vitamin D – Episode 6 – VIDEOS

Glee Music From tonight’s episode:
  • Halo/Walking on Sunshine
  • It’s My Life/Confessions Pt. 2
More Glee:
  • No Air
  • Keep Holding On
  • More Glee Music!
  • Glee Video – Season 1
GLEE OFF! Peeps!
Will senses the kids are getting a little complacent, so he and Emma cook up a sing-off competition between the boys and the girls.
The kids’ assignment is to arrange and perform a mashup to be performed in front of the judges (Will, and celebrity judge Emma) on separate days.
The girls figure they’ll whip the boys asses, so the chicks–except for Ms. Type A Rachel–decide to wing it.
What they don’t know, is the boys are “juicing” up, courtesy of Terri Schuester, who has, with only towel folding skillz to her credit, become the school nurse.
Terri is really working a 2nd job at William McKinley High to spy on her husband Will, a decision Terri made after Sue Sylvester paid her a little home visit.
Videos and more re-cap after the JUMP…

Boys “It’s My Life”/”Confessions Pt. 2″

This week, the nasty coach of the cheerleaders, Sue Sylvester (the divine Jane Lynch) figures prominently in the plot and she’s as evil, scary and hilarous as ever. Watching Sue address her journal in the 2nd person is like watching Machiavelli concoct his evil plots.
Anyway, Sue has declared all-out war on Will Schuester, and her first order of business is to let Terri know that Emma, the guidance counselor has a thing for her husband.
Sue is also getting an inkling that something is up with Quinn (psst…she’s pregnant!) …
When a sleep-deprived Finn asks nurse Terri for advice, she plays Dr. Feelgood, turning him on to the hard stuff–over the counter nasal decongestant.
The uppers do the trick, and eventually the boys are all strung out on freaking Sudefed, to perform a very energetic mashup of Bon Jovi’s “It’s My Life” and Usher’s “Confessions Pt 2″.
And can I say, Holy F, Artie (Kevin McHale) can flipping sang. And he wields a mean wheelchair. And there was some sick B-boy moves from Michael Chang (Harry Shum Jr.) WOW. Awesome stuff. The girls are freaked.
In the meantime, Quinn is ready to quit Glee, but Rachel takes the high road, talking her back into the fold. Yes, Quinn would have mocked her if the tables were turned, but did anybody see that self-satisfied smirk when Rachel walked away from Quinn? Yeah, Rachel is digging playing the moral superiority card…
Football coach, Ken and Terri team up to keep Emma and Will apart. Poor Ken is so infatuated with Emma, I begin to hope it works out for them, until I remember how completely icky his is. (”You’re pregnant,” Ken says to Terri, “And me with psoriasis and a testicle that won’t descend…”) Terri suggests he buy an engagement ring and propose to Emma.
Kurt, who instinctively headed over to be with the girls when Will split Glee into groups, goes all double agent, ratting out the boys’ secret weapon. Rachel is furious and tells Finn off (She lets him have it at least once an episode) But when Finn taunts her, Rachel’s competitive side cant take it and she and the girls drop by Terri’s office for a little pick-me-up. Except Quinn, of course, ’cause she’s preggers.
The result is the girls, dressed in sunshine yellow, perform a zany, ebullient, frenetic mash-up of “Halo” and “Walking on Sunshine”. A wild-eyed Rachel begins with an omg-puppies-and-rainbows speech. (Angels! We need angels!) and ends with a crazed yelp. Will, impressed, tells them to keep on doing whatever it is they’re doing. Well, maybe not..
Ken finally scrounges up the nerve to propose to Emma with a lovely cubic zirconia number. She doesn’t say yes until after Terri confronts her to warn her off her man! Emma tells Terri, icily, that Will deserves better. Ha! You go girl! But, realizing that Will will never leave the pregnant (so they all think) Terri, she decides to accept Ken’s proposal.
That is, she’ll marry Ken if she can keep her name, they live in different parts of town, and they keep the marriage a secret. So far, Germ-phobic Emma and Ken haven’t slept together yet. But I got a feeling she’d be all germs schmerms if she got the chance to hook up with Will…
Terri tells Will she accepted Ken’s proposal, and they part with long wistful looks that left me screaming at my TV, “Your wife is not pregnant! Dump that bitch now!”
Speaking of fake pregnancies, Quinn tells Terri she can have her baby. She wants to be a cheerleader AND a gleek. She’s not ready to raise a child. She wants her life back. The wheels begin to turn in Terri’s head. A fake pregnancy is one thing…but a fake delivery?
Finn confronts Rachel in the hall about her drug taking (Yeah, that twitching was hard to miss). They both realize that drugs are bad, real bad, and decide to withdraw from the competition.
But it’s too late, Principal Figgins figures out his school nurse is a drug pusher, and he fires her. Worse, he feels Will should have figured out his kids were high, and he assigns…wait for it…Sue Sylvester to help him co-direct Glee. Dun-dun-DUN!
Next week, Will and Sue go mano a mano. Who will be the victor? And, can Terri continue to fake her pregnancy? Will Finn find out that sperm don’t swim in chlorinated hot tubs? Tune in next week Wednesday to find out…
What did you think of tonight’s espisode? What were some of your favorite one liners?
Girls – “Halo/Walking on Sunshine”



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