Synopsis: As Vince prepares to head to Italy to film his next movie with Frank Darabont, Turtle attemps to move on from Jamie-Lynn with the hot co-ed Brooke, but upon realizing he can’t, Turtle heads for Auckland, New Zealand in a grand gesture to get Jamie-Lynn back. Drama chooses to give up acting, only to head back in for another Melrose audition. Ari faces two obstacles in buying Terrance’s company: his wife, and an addendum to the contract. Eric’s special lunch with Sloan turns sour, resulting in a fight, but by the time it’s over, nothing will be the same between them.
I know i sh!tted on last week’s episode, but this joint was one of the best season finales I’ve ever seen in my life. No joke. It’s dynamic, everybody is involved, Matt Damon is the man, and the music was so fitting for the scenes. Let’s get it. Thanks for swearing by DC to BC each week for the episodes. I appreciate your loyalty, and hopefully you’ll continue to come back for the music, the tomfoolery, and the random articles. Thanks for everything. Enjoy the episode. Oh, and had to bring the Star Wars themed picture back.
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