Monday, October 26, 2009

WWE Bragging Rights 2009 Undertaker vs. CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Batista

The bell rings and Punk goes after Rey and leaves the ring. Batista runs after Punk and Taker clotheslines Batista as they re-enter. Punk with forearms to Taker and kicks in the corner. Taker tosses Punk over the top rope to the floor and Rey with a seated senton onto Punk. Batista punches Taker and Taker with a leaping clothesline. Rey kicks Taker in the legs and then hits a springboard drop kick that sends Taker over the top rope to the floor. Taker returns to the ring and hits a big boot on Rey. Taker slams Batista’s head into the turnbuckles and then he works on Batista’s arm. Taker goes up for Old School and hits it. Taker tries to go Old School on Rey but Punk pulls Taker down. Punk throws Rey under the bottom rope to the floor. Punk tries for a superplex but he head butts Punk off the turnbuckles. Punk with a punch and he hits a superplex. Rey with a springboard splash but Punk pulls Rey up and throws Rey under the bottom rope again. Batista punches Punk and hits a clothesline. Batista with a clothesline into the corner followed by a power slam. Batista shakes the ropes and turns around into a big boot. Rey tries for a rana off the turnbuckles and Taker tries for Last Ride but Batista with a spear. Rey and Batista’s eyes meet and they do absolutely nothing until Taker sits up.

Taker grabs Rey but Batista sends Taker into the ropes. Rey with a 619 and Batista with a spinebuster for a near fall but Punk breaks it up. Rey with a forearm to Punk and then Rey tries for a springboard move but Punk hits Go To Sleep but Batista breaks up the cover. Taker puts Batista in Hell’s Gate but Punk breaks up the hold and makes the save. Punk punches Taker and then kicks Batista. Punk with the running knee into the corner, but he spends too much time on the turnbuckles and Taker hits Last Ride on Punk and Batista breaks up the cover.

Taker and Batista with punches back and forth as the crowd cheers and boos. Taker with a choke slam for a two count. Punk punches Taker but Taker grabs Punk by the throat. Punk with kicks to Taker. Taker throws Punk over the top rope to the floor. Taker signals that it is all over and he tries to get Batista up for the Tombstone. Batista hits the Batista Bomb on Taker but Rey breaks up the cover and Rey covers Taker. Batista breaks up the cover by Rey. Batista and Rey yell at each other while the match is still going on. Batista throws Rey down and then Taker hits the choke slam on Batista. Taker gets a two count on Batista in a very lax cover. Taker waits for Batista to get up and we have no sign of Punk or Rey. Taker tries for another choke slam and Batista escapes. Batista and Taker with clotheslines to each other. Punk with a near fall on Batista followed by one on Taker. Batista throws Punk out of the ring. Batista catches Rey and throws him onto Punk. Taker hits the Tombstone on Batista for the three count.
Winner: Undertaker


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