Saturday, October 3, 2009

Olympics Location 2012,Barack Obama

2012 Olympics Location, Barack Obama ‘disappointed’ at Chicago’s loss in 2016 Olympic Games race.
2012 Olympics LocationThe International Olympic Committee (IOC), is preparing to do battle with London’s Mayor, Boris Johnson. Reports say that Johnson was angered, by plans to build a £40 million temporary venue, near to the O2 Arena.
Apparently, the London Mayor wants the plans scrapped and is now trying to push other plans, which could mean more traveling for some of the competitors. The IOC president Jacques Rogge says he has the right to veto plans, if they go too far from the pledges.
But London can’t change the venue plans at all, even if they do get the approval of 2012 Olympics Minister Tessa Jowell and the British Olympic Association. At the end of the day, the IOC are the ones that get the final say in the matter.


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