Sunday, October 18, 2009

Droid Does, But Will It?

Verizon is pulling put all stops with its new Android commercial, which highights what the iPhone doesn't do, in an ad that tells you exactly what the iPhone doesn't do, like "iDon't allow open development, i'Dont run simultaneous apps." And at the end of the ad: "Everything iDon't, Droid Does."

Besides the fact that Verizon is bashing the iPhone big-time, it seems like this would put to rest, at least for now, any rumors that Verizon will be picking up the iPhone anytime soon. Why bash something you are considering selling? As I said previously, I don't think Verizon will pick up the iPhone until LTE becomes a reality.

Unfortunately, while Android, and specifically the phone Droid, AKA Sholes or Tao can do a lot that the iPhone can't, the main thing for many users is a couple of things the company doesn't mention.

  • iDo have 85,000+ apps
  • iDo have the iPhone OS
It's not just about topping the iPhone; it's about topping the iPhone OS. And there's no way around the fact that you see apps being developed for the iPhone that don't appear anywhere else, and that's a big difference.

Meanwhile, Verizon really should have picked on these iDon'ts:
  • iDon't have tethering, despite promises (and Verizon should make sure Droid does have tethering)
  • iDon't make phone calls well (when the average of dropped calls in NYC is 30%, that's pretty bad)
  • iDon't let apps in the App Store, for nonsensical reasons
  • iDon't have HSPA 7.2 in many places (if at all, sorry 3GS owners)
It's doubtful Droid will be an iPhone killer. But will it make an impact? Many who have seen the phone like it, so we'll see what it does, in November, according to the ad.


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