Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Boeing 787 First Flight Video Released

A new Boeing 787 first flight video has been released across the Internet showing the often delayed plane passing another test in the long line of steps needed for completion of the newest model.

A new Boeing 787 first flight video has been released across the Internet showing the often delayed plane passing another test in the long line of steps needed for completion of the newest model.
The newest Boeing plane has been delayed almost three years already past its original delivery date  The new plane was built primarily using titanium and carbon fiber to improve fuel costs and also save on maintenance costs.  The design is radical and still needs upwards of nine or more months to be run through more tests.
The 787 Boeing Dreamliner left on its maiden voyage today for a scheduled four hour test flight from Washington State.
With the number of flyers dropping significantly, the 787 is highly anticipated by major airlines to help save fuel and repair costs.
Reports indicate that there are up to six of the 787 Dreamliner planes to be used for testing.


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