Monday, November 2, 2009

The Miz vs. Evan Bourne Monday Night Raw 11/02/09

WWE United States Title Match

Back from the break and we get introductions for this match. WWE United States Champion The Miz is waiting in the ring as Evan Bourne makes his way down. The bell rings and they get ready to go at it. Miz strikes first with kicks and a big knee. Miz puts a knee to the head in the ropes.

Back and forth until Bourne takes Miz down with a head scissors and kick to the face. Miz goes to the floor and Bourne flies over the top with knees. Bourne brings Miz back in the ring for a 2 count. Miz takes control back and drops Bourne's gut over the top rope. Miz with kicks to the ribs now and a submission hold. Bourne breaks out of the hold with a 2 count. Miz with rights to the gut. He goes for a suplex but Bourne counters it with a knee to the head and a 2 count. Bourne with another knee to the head. Miz falls back into the corner. Bourne charges and ends up with a kick off the second rope for another 2 count. Miz catches Bourne with a jawbreaker but runs into a big boot in the corner. Bourne goes up top for the Shooting Star Splash. Miz moves and Bourne lands on his feet. Miz hip tosses Bourne into the corner and hits the Skull Crushing Finale for the pinfall and the win.

Winner: The Miz


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